Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I'm Baaaaack!

So it has been about three weeks since I have posted.  My track out was pretty good and I had family come visit.  The boys and I did some fun stuff and now it's back to the grind.  This week and next I am going to celebrate Dr. Seuss and Read Across America in class since it happened while we were on vaca.  My class is super excited and they all have brought their own books from home as well.  There is a slew of Dr. Seuss books in my classroom as we speak.  I'll be posting later in the week with some of the things we finished but for now here is what we started out with upon returning Monday.

I sent out an e-mail to school adminstration, specialists, and counselors to invite them in as mystery readers.  Each day there will be someone different coming to read a Dr. Seuss book to our class.  The kids squealed when I told them who was coming tomorrow.  "MR. PRINCIPAL... "  {not using real name for privacy purposes as I am sure you guessed already}.  You would have thought a movie star was coming to class... but in their eyes, he is a movie star.  :)  Once all of the school staff has signed up for a time, I then used Sugn Up Genius to invite parents in as well.  {By the way, http://www.signupgenius.com/ has really made life easier for me this year}.  After our guests come to read we are going to send them a little note with our class picture.  On the note we put a little diddy from a Mailbox Magazine suggestion I found a few years back. 

Thank you, thank you
For reading to us.
Please read again soon;
It is a must!
You made our class happy.
You made our class glad.
That was one of the best story times
We have ever had!
We LOVE our Dr. Seuss and we're really enjoying books we may not have heard before.  My goal is to have myself or our guest readers share all forty four books before the end of next week.  Do you think we can do it?  {Actually the question is... can I find or access all forty four stories?}

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